20 Most common Job Interview Questions and Answers | Career Guide

20 Most common Job Interview Questions and Answers | Career Guide

Want to know or use some of the most common interview questions and best way to answers?

Here are some of the most common interview questions, along with the best way to answer them:

20 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers

1."Tell me about your self ?"

Best Answer : My name is Salman Khan. I belong to Vadodara nearby pavagadh Hill Station. I have 2 years and 10 months experience in the glass industry as a production supervisor. During this period I have learnt many skills like employee training, 5s management , Production Planning, Document management and Leadership.Due to my quick learning and analytical ability I had good opportunity to involve in Research and development task in my previous job.

[ Note : You can prepare your answer according to your personal background ]

2."What are your greatest strength?"

Best AnswerCommunication skills is one my strength as I work well with different kinds of people and understand different perspectives of every one. Apart from that I am determined, hard worker, and team player.

3."What is your greatest weakness?"

Best Answer : I had a habit of procrastinating. Now I am improving and becoming more organised by using to do list and reminders.

4."What are your career goals or objectives?"

Best Answer : My short term career goals is include consistently adding value to my self through learning and upgrading skills. And in the long term, I would like to grow as a leader and make my self enable of taking up management positions which contributing significantly to the growth of my organisation.

5."Why do you want to work at our company?"

Best Answer : It is a great privilege for anyone to work with reputed company like yours. I always wanted to work with a company which recognised talent, as I want to grow and contribute towards the growth of company with my technical and organisational skills. Looking at the growth trend of your company since 1924,it will be an honour to work with such an organisation.

6."Tell me what you know about this company?"

Best Answer : It is one of the best fastest growing company in India. The work environment of the company is very good. People feel proud to be part of the company as company provides full support to their employees in professional front. It has many branches across the world. So, I have good opportunity to show my talent.

7."Why should I hire you?"

Best Answer : Sir, as I am a fresher for this job, I have theoretical knowledge but I can do hard work for my organization. And I will put all my efforts for the good progress of organization. Being punctual & sincere, I can finish the work given to me on time & try my best to fulfill all the needs of company from me.

8."What are your salary requirements?"

Best Answer : Salary has never been a big issue for me. Still I am expecting salary as company’s norms as per my qualification & experience which can help me to maintain the standard of level of my personal and economical needs.

9."Why are you looking for a job change?"

Best Answer : I am thankful to my previous organization because I have learnt a lot of things from there. According to me changes are necessary for everyone to enhance your skills, knowledge & for personal growth & financial growth. Your organization is a good platform where I can learn more.

10."What do you look for in a job?"

Best Answer : I look for challenges which can bring best out of me and scope to gain more knowledge which enables me to advance in my career path.

11."Where do you see yourself in five years from now?"

Best Answer : My first and foremost aim is to learn new skills and enhance my personality. Five years down that line, I see myself at senior position while taking more responsibilities and contributing to growth of a reputed organisation like yours.

12."What if I say that you are rejected?"

Best Answer : Though I prepared well and performed my level best. But if I am rejected, I will try to see opportunity of learning behind it. It will evaluate and improve myself further to make myself worth for position like this.

13."What are your hobbies or Interest?"

Best Answer : Sir,I like to do poetry and writing about social issues and reading about them.I like to travel a lot and visiting new places.

14."Discribe idea working environment for you in an organization?"

Best Answer : Since modern workplace is so dynamic, one should be able to excel in diverse environments. I am more productive in an environment that has good communication and great team work. So, I believe that will be the ideal working environment for me.

15."What kind of people you find difficult to work with?"

Best Answer : Though I am flexible with all sorts of people as I believe everyone has his or her own way of perceiving things. At times, people who do not stay by their commitments are tough to deal with, but I always try to find ways to ensure that deadlines are met without any personal disagreement.

16."What do you expect from our company?"

Best Answer : As we all know that company already stands on strong management and good economic condition. It may provide a good environment which will give me the opportunity to use and develop my skills and I expect to learn more about the duties and responsibilities of my job in the company.

17."If you enough money to retire, would you?"

Best Answer : We all work for money, but it is not everything. We should always work for our passion and self satisfaction. If I am satisfied with the money, I will prefer to help to people who needs knowledge from my experience.

18."Tell me about yourself in one word?"

Best Answer : My answer should be "dynamic", because I change, I adapt, I do whatever I need to do to succeed.

19."Do you consider yourself successful?"

Best Answer : Sir, I have set professional as well as personal goals and I have successfully met some of these goals and are on track to meet more in the near future.

20."Finally, do you have any question to ask me?"

Best Answer : Thank you for giving this opportunity. Sir I would like to know about the job timings, transport facility & salary scale for this job in your organization?

One last question for you : 

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  1. very helpful for all job seekers ..who face job interview..
    simple and powerful answers..


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